Tuesday, January 31, 2012

This assignment was to create grids.  We tried to tell a story with the pictures.  For the first photo I tried to do a comic strip sort of thing.  I also tried to take pictures of a sequence of events that only suggested a story so you would have to imagine a story yourself.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

In this assignment I took pictures of things that had something in common, but were not exactly the same. I tried to put three images together in a way that makes your eyes move through out the frames in an interesting way.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

This assignment was to take two photos and connect them . I tried to find photos that were similar in some way but not the same. With some of these diptychs I took photos that do not line up exactly but work well together. For others I took photos that do line up. I also made some of people and body parts and some of objects. Enjoy!