Thursday, September 29, 2011

Foreground and Background
This assignment was to create depth by having a subject in the foreground and another in the background. I tried to focus on where the shadows are in the picture, and manipulating them to create more depth throughout the image.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Leading Lines:
This assignment was to take pictures of lines going into the distence. While taking these pictures I tried to pay attention to where the shadows and highligts were and to frame it so your eye is drawn along the line into the distance.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Rule of Thirds Assignment
This assignment was to take photos with a three by three grid and split the photo composition along the lines of the grid. For example, the horizon line might take up 2/3 of the picture. Another part of this assignment was to place the subject on one of the crossed sections of the grid.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


This Assignment was to explore other ways of taking portrait pictures other than classic straight on pictures. I explored different distances, angles and compositions with portrait pictures. Our outcome goal was to have at least nine shots at three different distances with three different angles. Up close: taken from a high angle; mid level and a low level. Mid distance: taken from a high angle; mid level and a low level. And Far distance: taken from a high angle; mid level and a low level.