This Assignment was to explore other ways of taking portrait pictures other than classic straight on pictures. I explored different distances, angles and compositions with portrait pictures. Our outcome goal was to have at least nine shots at three different distances with three different angles. Up close: taken from a high angle; mid level and a low level. Mid distance: taken from a high angle; mid level and a low level. And Far distance: taken from a high angle; mid level and a low level.

I think all of your photos are really nice, and all of your different angles are cool! To me though, the two with slight color kind of stand out and don't really fit in but I really liked them. Great Job!
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ReplyDeleteGreat photos, they all have a nice flow!! I like the angles that you did, especially how you shot under the table and up. Great job, maybe try adding more contrast next time!!
ReplyDeleteThe photos of eyes really pop, and you have great depth in your photos. The way you layer different elements, like sun behind person, person behind camera, or photos of a "crowd" work nicely. The only thing I'd suggest is some mor extremes by way of height versus subject.
ReplyDeleteI really like your use of angles and how some were really different with the angles and the surrounding objects. The eye picture I'd my favorite because it really stands out.
ReplyDeleteI love your use of different angles and how you focused on certain things in your pictures. You did a great job.
ReplyDeleteI think you did a good job on these. I like the one of my eye, it's really cool that we can see you taking the picture in the reflection of you in my eye. I think you did a good job of explain the assignment, but you could have done a little better in saying what you tried to do. I think you did change the style of taking portraits, but you could have made that clearer that it was your style.
ReplyDeletesome of these have really good perspective and positioning. I think the photos work well together as a group and show different styles and angles
ReplyDeleteI like all of the different angles and portraits of people. You have some nice shadows and perspectives.
ReplyDeleteyou do a great job with the elements you have in the space. The these of circles and vision are apparent and run through them like a theme. One thing you could do is keep them black and white or sepia and have more levels.
ReplyDeleteThese photos were great. I like the fifth photo and the last photo. These were a combination of unique photos. Great job!